Students and professional practice challenge each other in a stimulating environment

About Fontys ICT

Working together on ideas and solutions where we can make an impact

Fontys School of ICT

Fontys ICT likes to bring out the best in people and their environment. We do this by offering a challenging and stimulating learning and working environment. Thanks to intensive cooperation with the business community, we are able to provide innovative and inspiring education. Our talented ICT students therefore work on real assignments for real companies. We are very proud of this successful collaboration with over 130 partners and are happy to share how we involve the field in education and research.

Cooperation with our partners is central to all forms of our education. We offer students various types of education, full-time and part-time: bachelor (4 years), associate degree (2 years) and master (1 or 1.5 years). We believe it is important that professionals can continue to develop themselves, also after graduation. That is why we actively contribute to the government's Lifelong Development programme. Since 2024, we also offer various courses for professionals, including in the field of AI and data.

Why become a partner at Fontys ICT?

  • Meet potential interns/employees
  • Increase brand awareness
  • Expand your network
  • Expand your knowledge and learn from our students
  • Share knowledge with students and colleagues
  • Make connections within the Brainport and Midpoint network
  • Meet over 130 partners during our events, such as the annual Career Day
  • Make use of our hybrid working and learning environment
  • Get involved 'for society' and contribute to ICT education


Successful first Masterclass AI 09/07/2024

On 8 July, our lecturers Erdinç Saçan and Danny Bloks gave over twenty participants, working for organisations in the Brainport region, a fascinating insight into the world of artificial intelligence and the endless possibilities it offers.

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Exciting the new generation of technicians with a game 09/07/2024

De Ontdekfabriek recently signed a covenant as Partner in Education with Fontys ICT. A foundation that focuses on enthusing children and young people for creativity, technology, and innovation.

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Festive (re)signing for 8 organisations as Partner in Education 27/06/2024

On Thursday 27 June, eight organisations (re-)signed a covenant as Partner in Education at Fontys ICT.

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Innovative Stolpersteine App, built by Fontys ICT students, received with great enthusiasm 26/06/2024

On Wednesday, 26 June at 10:00 am, a group of six Smart Mobile students from Fontys ICT enthusiastically launched the Stolpersteine App.

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Software company GAC: 'Young talent brings us a lot' 17/06/2024

IT companies are eager for new talent and are therefore happy to do their bit to train students. So does software company GAC Business Solutions. Peter Bosch, director of operations at GAC: 'Ultimately, we need to deliver good IT professionals as business and education. That is what we like to dedicate ourselves to.

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